Going from 7 to 6 - Jump to 5?


I was speaking to a fellow referee over the weekend who is, like me, going for promotion from 7 to 6. He told me that if you did "double everything" (ie 40 games & be assessed 6 times), then you could jump to promotion for 5?

Is he talking rubbish?
A&H International
Some counties will allow it. However, generally they want you to sign up for it at the start of the promotion year. I've no idea which counties allow it, so it may be worth giving your RDO a call to see if your county offers it - if it would be something you'd be interested in.

However, your colleague is correct, you do have to do double everything.
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To clarify, you won't get assessed 6 times unless the County have agreed that you can go for the double. So, in the example you have given, the referee would need to indicate he would like to apply for double jump and agree that he can do so with the County RDO.

If you are interested, and good enough, there is no reason not to have the conversation with the RDO even at this stage of the season, but they won't know unless you talk with them. There are also a number of people who feel double jumps are bad development moves, so also consider the implications.
In doing the double jump, they like you to have reached the required number of matches and assessments by the end of Sept, so they don't waste resources if you are not going to get the matches in.

To do the double jump, you need to have been assessed twice between march and the end of the playing season.

For the 6-4 jump, you technically need 8 assessments (3 for the 6-5 & 5 for the 5-4) and have to do 10 lines. That is some commitment - 50 matches in the marking season. That is why only the elite are selected for it if your CFA allow it.
I got told by my CFA to try get my 6-5 assessments done by end of October (final one is gonna be on 17th). Then I'll do the other 3.

Your games point is a good one however, if it's a bad winter I'm knackered!
Your games point is a good one however, if it's a bad winter I'm knackered!

It is the lines that will kill it, unless you have been doing some already this season. 15 Saturdays from November to February, 10 lines + 3 assessments, not much slack and definitely no closed dates. No Christmas. Shopping for you
Cheers guys.

I contacted my RDO and he said I was eligible and recommended I go for it (apparently an e-mail was going to go out to candidates who had already had 3 assessments this week....)

I'm going for it anyway!
4/5 Saturdays in October are middles. I've already done 7 lines as well

Btw I'm opening a can of worms here but I'm gonna say it.....Saturday football is easier to referee by far (and the standard of football is much higher) than Sunday's. Discuss
4/5 Saturdays in October are middles. I've already done 7 lines as well

Btw I'm opening a can of worms here but I'm gonna say it.....Saturday football is easier to referee by far (and the standard of football is much higher) than Sunday's. Discuss

Spam. Stick to OP

Some Sunday leagues around the country are better than some step 7 (Supply in some area's).
Just a quick update on this - I got my letter through yesterday for confirmation of my 7-6 promotion!

Bit of a surprise, as I assumed it was a straight jump, but hey ho, I'm not complaining!
Just a quick update on this - I got my letter through yesterday for confirmation of my 7-6 promotion!

Bit of a surprise, as I assumed it was a straight jump, but hey ho, I'm not complaining!
No, it is two promotions not a straight 7-5.
Does that mean that when I've completed 20 games I'll get a letter about my 6-5?

Assume it depends on the county?
Does that mean that when I've completed 20 games I'll get a letter about my 6-5?

Assume it depends on the county?
Not necessarily. You have to be confirmed at a CFA referees meeting, which may until December. It depends on the CFA when the meeting are held and how you are informed.
IE If you admin, etc is not prefect or you haven't attended the required training courses, they cannot promote at that meeting.