Football boots


Well-Known Member
Level 5 Referee
Just wondered what everyone wears?

I assume most go for the Adidas Copa Mondials. I have a pair which are old so I've just switched to the new Nike Premiers which are blackouts. Extremely comfortable and light, can't wait to take them for a spin.


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A&H International
I bought Nike Tiempos at the beginning of the season... they've already split :confused:
I've just purchased the brand new Nike boots, Premier's. We'll have to see how they do.
P4yno....be careful if wearing them on the line, I've had one pair start to split under the big toe with crabbing, otherwise great boots, currently have 3 pairs on rotation at the weekend but really like those blackout ones so may have to add another pair to the collection.. :)
Currently in Umbros! £22 from Asda! I need the widest boots and most online stuff I've found says they are the widest. Have Adidas world cups but v narrow and don't use them anymore.