Euros - Assistant Referees


Active Member
Level 7 Referee
Any ideas on the guidance for ARs and early/late flags for offside in the Euros?

I’ve seen at least 2 early flags now that have actually been onside and multiple late flags which have been yards offside.

Any ideas?
A&H International
They are told to hold the flag until the attack ends or there is no real chance of a goal being imminently scored.
They are told to hold the flag until the attack ends or there is no real chance of a goal being imminently scored.
But only on close calls with a meaningful attack.

On the late flags that didn’t need to be late, it would be interesting to know how many are from ARs who haven’t had a lot of experience in games with a VAR. It seems to be a consistent part of the learning curve: having to fight years of training on when to flag, ARs new to VAR games often over compensate by delaying too many flags. As they settle I. To the concept, the balance gets better.