Double Headers


the voice of reason
Level 7 Referee
e-mail received from Sussex County F.A.

'Hi All,

I have had a number of questions around dismissals in possible Double Header Matches from Leagues as well as Clubs.

Please be advised; a player dismissed in the first match IS PERMITTED to play in the second match; as their suspension would not come into effect until 14 days later as per the FA Regulations. It is not a decision of the League or Match Officials to decide otherwise in any case.

I would urge you to inform Clubs and Match Officials of this if your League is proposing Double Header Matches in view of the weather. We hope that clarifying this will resolve any potential conflict if such was to happen.

Kind Regards'

A&H International
Seems right. The player is not suspended until all the paperwork is completed, so if you did not allow them to play then that match would not count as part of their suspension.
Seems right. The player is not suspended until all the paperwork is completed, so if you did not allow them to play then that match would not count as part of their suspension.

yeah, but...no, but.....imagine a scenario, unlikely though not impossible, of a player being sent of for violent conduct in game one, let's imagine him/her punching an opponent square in the face

commonsense says don't let this player play in the second game...but the rules say different
yeah, but...no, but.....imagine a scenario, unlikely though not impossible, of a player being sent of for violent conduct in game one, let's imagine him/her punching an opponent square in the face

commonsense says don't let this player play in the second game...but the rules say different
Agreed, it would not be right for them to play, but you as the referee have no power to stop them from doing so.

Consider this scenario - the above but you send off the wrong player. Normally it would go through the county as a case of mistaken identity, and the person sent off by mistake is not suspended, but you are going to give them a suspension which they should not have.
Got a very similar email from my league regarding double headers. On red cards in game one they have said:

"If a player gets red carded in game number one, he can play in the second game but I would suggest if it’s for violent conduct you don’t play him purely as its saves any additional problems you might have with your opponents and the referee."

So ours advise, but there is nothing we as refs can do. If it were to happen to me, I'd be very wary and keeping half an eye on the parties from minute one of the second game. Player would have to be a total tool mind you to get himself red carded twice in the space of a couple of hours!
You are the referee, not the County Disciplinary department. You report the offence and let someone else decide the sanction. Current disciplinary procedures dictate that the suspension for a dismissal does not start until 14 days after the offence occurred.