Denmark vs Belgium


Active Member
Level 7 Referee
I know this isn’t a huge talking point but do you think that was a foul on Courtois in the box by the Danish player?

I understand why play is stopped because it’s the keeper but IMHO, there is absolutely no foul committed on Courtois and yet Belgium are awarded a DFK even though Denmark had possession when play was stopped.

What do you think?
A&H International
I thought the same in real time but the slow mo replay showed Courtois clearly being caught on the upper leg by the Dane's knee... 😉
I thought it was a foul tbh, keeper punched it then was caught knee on knee
I thought the same in real time but the slow mo replay showed Courtois clearly being caught on the upper leg by the Dane's knee... 😉
I know what you mean and they are always given but in my opinion, the Danish player is stopping and then Courtois follows through straight into him. In no way am I claiming Courtois fouled the other player but I also don’t think Courtios was fouled either. I know they’re always given though as it’s the keeper.
Unless I'm remembering the wrong play, The keeper was also the one able to play the ball, and the attacker arrived late.
Unless I'm remembering the wrong play, The keeper was also the one able to play the ball, and the attacker arrived late.
Yes I agree. However, in my opinion, the player does make contact with Courtois. Courtois makes contact with the player.