
richard ramjane

RefChat Addict
its funny how little things can throw you off guard.
yesterday, reds v blues... second half, blues attacking. ball is passed diagonally by blue, but the recipient not quick enough to reach it and its rolling toward the touchline. a spectator is there and just before the ball goes out, he stops it with his foot.... when i look to see who it is, its the dad of an old school mate of mine i havent probably seen in ... well, since i was 9 or 10 years old !! it just threw my thought process and i could hear players shouting , play on its hasnt gone off etc etc. the intended recipient of the pass, blue player, proceeded to the now stationary ball and deliberately kicked it off, and we continued with a throw and everyone was happy. the spectator apologised ( i felt a little odd telling him off now as an adult myself) however for the next 10 minutes i just found myself drifting around a bit and consequently got in the way of play 4 times !! shook it off and got to the end without further incident... but, if its taught me one thing its to expect the unexpected
A&H International