Arsenal v Villa


Forum VAR
Staff member
Level 6 Referee
FA Referee
As a gooner, they weren't penalties in a million years! :p

As a referee, can't help but commend Anthony Taylor on the 2 decisions.

A&H International
Having seen the replays on MOTD I think there may be some Arsenal fans eating humble pie after being up in arms about the second.
I thought the first was, second wasn't.

Listening to idiots today, sorry ex professional footballers being commentators, on sky sports they commended a good decision for the second penalty, then proceeded to blast him for not having been in a good position to make what they claimed was a great call! I thought it was as good a position as you would hope for given the speed of the break!

Looking at the footage, I think the assistant confirms it is a penalty before it is given (there is a delay in the whistle it seems) which was beyond the comprehension of the idiots... Sorry mean ex professional playing commentators.
The first one was pretty clear cut, the second one less so. I liked the fact that he allowed a bit of time for Villa to get the shot away before giving it. Personally, I think the second one was a wrong decision, but it's one of those that totally divides opinion!
In my opinion, the first wasn't and the second was (contrary to the majority here).

The question is, did Villa gain an advantage? Agbonglahor was actually going away from the goal towards the corner of the box, (into a non-shooting position), at the point he was taken down. The ball was then run-onto by the attacker, creating a shooting opportunity which he missed. I would therefore conclude that an advantage was gained and therefore no penalty should have been given! However, I do feel that a penalty could have been given immediately, as there are very few instances where there is a better advantage than a penalty kick (excluding an open shot on goal etc.).

The second penalty - contact with the player before the ball - penalty kick!