Open Age Apparently I'm being reported...

I was "reported" last season by a club, to which my reply was good because your club's behaviour has been disgraceful and I was reporting you as well, funnily I did hear anything, but I'm sure they did.
I've been "reported" 4 times in 3 years, not once have I been contacted by my county to explain anything.

So as others have said, be confident in what you have done, and if they report you, let them, you have nothing to be worried about.
A&H International
If i had a fiver for everytime that id heard that (Id have a fiver :p)

Only once have a team actually reported me, even when they did the league committee took one look and filed it in the appropriate waste receptical
A few years ago in a senior game, so I had level 4 assistants, a conversation went something like this (the player was a yappy little winger who thought he was a lot better than he was) ...

Player: Ref, your assistant doesn't know what he's doing. Why don't you give the offsides yourself as he gets them all wrong?
Me: Sorry mate, if you want the referee to be giving offsides you need to go back to playing Sunday league
Player (agitated): What do you mean back to Sunday league. You're as bad as your assistant with that kind of attitude
Me: Actually, if you keep playing like you are your wishes might be met anyway

At this point the player's captain, who was listening, had a big grin on his face, told him he'd been mugged off and he was always offside anyway.

Post game the manager wanders over with a face like thunder ...

Manager: Did you tell my player he should be playing Sunday league?
Me: Kind of, I told him if he wants the referee to be giving offsides, as he told me I should be doing, that's the level he needs to be playing at.
Manager: That's out of order, I'll be reporting you
Me: OK, next time I'll yellow card him instead of having a laugh

I subsequently found out that the FA had a good giggle about it and nothing happened.