And ........ relax :)

Russell Jones

RefChat Addict
Final 6 to 5 assessment completed today ... hoorah! Will be nice to have a couple of months with no filling in of match detail forms and where I'm slightly less concerned about weather postponements :rolleyes:.

For what it's worth, few observations from me coming out of the ones I received this year

1) At least half the battle at this level seems to be getting the basics absolutely spot on ... sock tape, undergarments, substitution procedure etc. Easy to drop 'soft' marks if you're not super diligent in these areas which is (relatively) straightforward at County League level where players are more used to it but much harder on Sundays where players are amazed and bemused that you're bothered

2) Much more likely to get picked up for too few cautions than too many. The mandatory ones are obvious no brainers but there's also a desire from assessors to be tough on dissent and persistent infringement.

3) The ability to seriously sprint from the very start of the game to the very end of the game is both noticed and helps you positively stand out

4) The major area where there is huge inconsistency in assessor's feedback is around recommended positioning at corners. For each one that wants you to vary your position, there's another who wants you always close to the goal line. For each that only wants you ever to stay the 'far side' from a CAR, there's one who suggests you should alternate from side to side. It's very hard to win on this one :)

But overall I've learned a huge amount and shall now keep my fingers firmly crossed for March :)
A&H International
Final 6 to 5 assessment completed today ... hoorah! Will be nice to have a couple of months with no filling in of match detail forms and where I'm slightly less concerned about weather postponements :rolleyes:.

For what it's worth, few observations from me coming out of the ones I received this year

1) At least half the battle at this level seems to be getting the basics absolutely spot on ... sock tape, undergarments, substitution procedure etc. Easy to drop 'soft' marks if you're not super diligent in these areas which is (relatively) straightforward at County League level where players are more used to it but much harder on Sundays where players are amazed and bemused that you're bothered

2) Much more likely to get picked up for too few cautions than too many. The mandatory ones are obvious no brainers but there's also a desire from assessors to be tough on dissent and persistent infringement.

3) The ability to seriously sprint from the very start of the game to the very end of the game is both noticed and helps you positively stand out

4) The major area where there is huge inconsistency in assessor's feedback is around recommended positioning at corners. For each one that wants you to vary your position, there's another who wants you always close to the goal line. For each that only wants you ever to stay the 'far side' from a CAR, there's one who suggests you should alternate from side to side. It's very hard to win on this one :)

But overall I've learned a huge amount and shall now keep my fingers firmly crossed for March :)
Some really good comments and learning points here. Anyone aspiring to get promoted and who falls short will find they probably fell foul of one or more of the first 3 points.
It's the little things that count
Sock tape ? Is it petty ? It's in the laws
So no, but I find a quiet word before kick off gives plenty of time to warn players etc
Same with under armour etc

I like to tell the managers , subs must be at half way mark and don't come on till the player leaves , also run over don't just stand and watch :)

Be confident and don't change your style of Reffing because a guy with a clip board is marking ! He will have his view you will have yours , ultimately his there to help and give advice
When I was coming through 7-4, I would ask the assessor their views on undershorts/shirts and sock tape. Often at Sunday League, teams struggle for 11 matching kits let alone other garments.
Their response would prompt my action.