All ages

santa sangria

RefChat Addict
Last week I was paired - futsal, sorry - with a 17 year old. It was his first time with two referees. We spoke different languages - at least we were both poor in each other’s but tried.

He responded so well. Tough games. He concentrated, took advice really well, self-criticised, adapted. Enthusiastic. Genuine. Fantastic.

This weekend i was paired with a 65 year old. His first at this level this season. Doesn’t do too many. We adapted together to his challenges to movement. He was attentive, concentrated, enthusiastic. And we had the trickiest, mouthiest team in the league and he handled them.

At the big KMI, he called the foul and then ce and checked pen/no pen with me. We decided together. Marvelous.

Bonus… earlier this week were the local awards. I nominated my first year mentee and he won. 200+ matches in his first season plus loads of community work. Amazing.

It has been a good week in Santaland!
A&H International