6-5 assessments


New Member
I am doing my promotion from 6-5 this season succeeded at 7-6 last year. What is the difference between the assessments you get at 7-6 and 6-5? do they look for any added stuff is there anything I need to do differently?

A&H International
There is an assessor handbook in the resources section with the competencies for each level. Although that might be out of date as there have been changes to the assessment forms.
Lot of differences. I had it described as "7-6 means you can get there, blow the whistle and point in the right direction, 6-5 means you can manage a game". Just remember what their titles are -
7 = Junior County Referee (junior as in experience or ability, not age!, maybe about 20%)
6 = County Referee, (so you'd expect most refs to be at this level as they would be the middle, majority 70%)
5 = Senior County Referee, (the County's most senior, experienced, top refs 10%
and not
7 = Passed the course (1%)
6 = Got promoted last year so just here cos I have to be for this year / didn't get enough games last year (10%)
5 = Standard Referee (89%)

Most I know / met / speak to don't get their 5 straight after their 6 especially if it's only your 3rd season or so (Qualified, first season, 7-6) - so go for it and good luck, but be prepared to not get it with the advice of "not quite / needs another year at 6" etc. Are you Senior over those around you - league / county?
Lot of differences. I had it described as "7-6 means you can get there, blow the whistle and point in the right direction, 6-5 means you can manage a game". Just remember what their titles are -
7 = Junior County Referee (junior as in experience or ability, not age!, maybe about 20%)
6 = County Referee, (so you'd expect most refs to be at this level as they would be the middle, majority 70%)
5 = Senior County Referee, (the County's most senior, experienced, top refs 10%
and not
7 = Passed the course (1%)
6 = Got promoted last year so just here cos I have to be for this year / didn't get enough games last year (10%)
5 = Standard Referee (89%)

Most I know / met / speak to don't get their 5 straight after their 6 especially if it's only your 3rd season or so (Qualified, first season, 7-6) - so go for it and good luck, but be prepared to not get it with the advice of "not quite / needs another year at 6" etc. Are you Senior over those around you - league / county?
Thanks HRW .
Been refereeing for four 5 nearly 6 yrs did promotion last year for the first time. Been given a county final line and a few league finals but wouldn't say I was senior quite yet
Here's the assessors handbook


Having just succeeded at this promotion I found a couple of things really. Positioning was the first key point, where as you may have been advised previously on positioning you now have to be there so to speak. Understanding fouls and advantage and things like players doing clever fouls etc due to Ref'ing a higher level. But mainly confidence on the FOP seemed to be a big thing for me, to my advantage though, been communicative with players and your assistants if lucky enough to have them, which I was on all three of my assessments. The main thing I guess though is doing what you do well but on tougher games.
I got my 7-6, 6-5 and 5-4 in three years, one after another, and know many in the same boat - different referees, different progression.

Ref1995, disregard the current assessor handbook Matty has attached (sorry Matty) this is now redundant, as the assessment scheme is not completely different. I attach the competencies for 7-6 and 6-5 for the new scheme below. I was one of the assessors in the pilot scheme that rolled this out, so any questions, let me know.

NB: To become level 5, you have to be able to demonstrate everything below.

Competencies | 7-6

Performance Competency 1 – Application of Law

· Did the Referee apply law correctly at all times – paying specific attention to fouls and misconduct?

· Did the Referee demonstrate the ability to be able to distinguish challenges that were fair and foul?

· Given the opportunity did the Referee recognise the difference between those foul challenges that were careless, reckless or made with excessive force?

· Did the Referee ensure that play was started and restarted correctly?

Performance Competency 2 – Match Control

· Did the Referee demonstrate confidence and competency in controlling this game?

· Did you witness the Referee establish and maintain his match control?

· Was there a consistent approach of match control applied throughout the entire game?

· Did you witness the Referee demonstrate a variety of appropriate management skills and techniques when controlling this game?

Performance Competency 3 – Positioning and Movement

· Did the Referee demonstrate an understanding of his/her diagonal path of patrol during open play?

· Did the Referee place themselves in the optimum positions for set-pieces, start and restart of play scenarios?

· Did the Referee ensure that they were in credible positions when recognising foul play?

· Did you witness the Referee demonstrate a good level of fitness and fluidity of movement throughout the game?​


Competencies | 6-5

Performance Competency 1 – Application of Law

· Did the Referee apply law correctly at all times – paying specific attention to fouls and misconduct?

· Did the Referee demonstrate the ability to be able to distinguish between challenges that were fair and foul ?

· Given the opportunity did the Referee recognise the difference between those foul challenges that were careless, reckless or made with excessive force?

· Did the Referee ensure that play was started and restarted correctly ?

· Is able to identify and act appropriately against those individuals that are persistently infringing the laws of the game?

· Did the Referee recognise and act appropriately to offside situations?

· Given opportunity did the Referee demonstrate a thorough understanding of law and competition rules.

Performance Competency 2 – Match Control

· Did the Referee demonstrate confidence and competency in controlling this game?

· Did you witness the Referee establish and maintain his match control?

· Was there a consistent approach of match control applied throughout the entire game ?

· Did you witness the Referee demonstrate a variety of appropriate management skills and techniques when controlling this game?

· Did the Referee demonstrate calm and positive body language in order to assist and support his match control?

· Shows the ability to increase or decrease their level of match control in tune with the game itself?

· Responds positively to any situation, player or club official who poses as a threat to his/her match control?

· Where required to do so made best use of the ‘stepped’ approach when dealing with misconduct.

Performance Competency 3 – Positioning and Movement

· Did the Referee demonstrate an understanding of his/her diagonal path of patrol during open play?

· Did the Referee place themselves in the optimum positions for set-pieces, start and restart of play scenarios?

· Did the Referee ensure that they were in credible positions when recognising foul play?

· Did you witness the Referee demonstrate a good level of fitness and fluidity of movement throughout the game?

· Demonstrated the ability to have a flexible position to their path of patrol where situations or incidents dictated.

· Maintains good eye contact with assistant referees – always ensuring that they are within view.

Performance Competency 4 – Fitness

· Demonstrates the physique, fitness and healthy ‘perception’ that is required to Referee football at this level.

· Shows a degree of stamina and is not seen to be tiring as the game progresses

· Possesses the ability to change their running pace and is seen to sprint and manoeuvre quickly into position where and when the game dictates.

Performance Competency 5 – Management

· Was it evident that the Referee could vary the range and tone of communication (verbal, non verbal and whistle) to suit the situation , offence or to assist with his overall management of the game ?

· If required did the Referee communicate why decisions had been made?

· Did the Referee consistently communicate with his/her assistant referees?

· Gave clear and concise signals to assist and indicate decisions.

Performance Competency 6 – Alertness and Awareness

· Quick to recognise when players were seriously injured and required the attention of the trainer.

· Recognised and invoked the advantage clause when the opportunity arose.

· Demonstrated effective teamwork between themselves and their assistant referees – always ensuring that signals and indications were acknowledged.
· Demonstrates the physique, fitness and healthy ‘perception’ that is required to Referee football at this level.

Love that one, so I'm fat and going for L5, I don't have the "physique" to become a L5. Shall I even bother going for promotion? I'm sure that one will pop up on all 3 assessments, despite being relatively fit to referee at this level.

Oh well.
If you're fit enough and are always able to keep up with play (and be in the right position) then you'll be fine. There is a point at which your physique will impact on your ability to keep up with play, if you are not at that point then don't worry too much.

That said, the promotion season runs until end Feb 2016, easily enough time to demonstrate an attitude to improving fitness and losing some weight. If you get pulled up on this in the first assessment, you can work on it for the other two. Nothing says "dedicated referee" than someone who puts themselves out to improve on their fitness and weight to improve their ability.

Rather than see it as a negative, see it as a motivation (if needed).
Being bigger i am concious that i need to work harder than most others, as it's an easy "ffs ref, keep up with play" shout.
I've not had a single shout of that this year, and i am up with play 9/10, which is more than others in my area.
I'm averaging about 4.5 miles per game, which has risen from last year, so fitness is obviously getting better.
Obtaining my L6 this year, i know i'll have to work even harder next season, and i am determined to be in a position of being able to go for L4 if successful with L5 at the end of next season.

I only had 1 comment around fitness last season on my assessments, and that was my first ever assessment, and i had come straight from a Junior Premier League U'16's game. That was a learning curve straight away, do not do back to back games!!

i do understand when the FA say about the perception of the physique / fitness of a referee.