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  1. R


    I have my first game tomorrow after a long hiatus. I have been reading around a bit and it appears that getting the subs names is something we are expected to do at Sunday league level know also? Do we then get the sub to come to us and give their name when they come on only allowing named...
  2. R


    A quick one as its been a while. What size balls are allowed? (4,5,6 e.t.c rather than inches and pounds). Also, what's the best way of checking the pressure without a gauge? Sorry these seem stupid, just the little things I find help to ensure things run smoothly.
  3. R

    Return to the middle

    Hi everyone, I am returning from a long hiatus from refeering (3 years, but 5 years since I was doing it every week). I sort of feel I am going back to the beginning but without just coming off of a training course! So not only have I forgotten all of the usual pre-match routine but most of the...
  4. R


    Hi Everyone, I am a level 7 in Hampshire. I have taken a few years out of the game and am just returning. I look forward to joining in the active community! Kind Regards, Kieron