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  1. T

    Pre-Season Training

    Id back up what @JamesL is saying. Running with a group is the best advice I could give to maintain fitness. I do a couple of interval sessions with my running club each week - having company always helps and you definitely get dragged along by faster people. I'm 43 and set my mile PB on...
  2. T

    Handball in leadup to goal

    Hi, in my game today no. 9 accidentally handballed just outside box- As he received the ball it brushed his arm (which was by his body in a natural position) he then took two touches and scored. No appeal and I allowed the goal. I think I was wrong and I should have disallowed it. Annoyed with...
  3. T

    Osula challenge on Konate

    If we're going to call out anything from that game I suggest this, from Van Dijk, was probably more worthy of review!