

RefChat Addict
I’ve refereed in the cold and wet before, and I’ve refereed in the baking heat before - and paused the game for drinks breaks as appropriate. Ive ref-Ed in hail before, but yesterday the hail was biblical.

About 5 mins after kick of it started to hail, and hail heavily. Normally hail is a one minute wonder, but I reckon this hail storm, with accompanying wind , lasted what seemed like 10 mins, it was painful (and cold)

We were on a pitch a good 5 to 10 minute trudge from the changing rooms and any shelter, so we would have had nowhere to go had I stopped the game, like a few players were requesting, so we played on, but it got me wondering if we should stop for hail?

Anyone had any experiences of hail, and what they did, that they’d be happy to share.
A&H International
I’ve refereed in the cold and wet before, and I’ve refereed in the baking heat before - and paused the game for drinks breaks as appropriate. Ive ref-Ed in hail before, but yesterday the hail was biblical.

About 5 mins after kick of it started to hail, and hail heavily. Normally hail is a one minute wonder, but I reckon this hail storm, with accompanying wind , lasted what seemed like 10 mins, it was painful (and cold)

We were on a pitch a good 5 to 10 minute trudge from the changing rooms and any shelter, so we would have had nowhere to go had I stopped the game, like a few players were requesting, so we played on, but it got me wondering if we should stop for hail?

Anyone had any experiences of hail, and what they did, that they’d be happy to share.
That storm went over us in wilts today, crazy stuff!

My lines for abandonment are usually: is the game a farce? Is anyone (players, officials, staff, crowd) in danger? If both are a no then I’m unlikely to abandon.
I’ve refereed in the cold and wet before, and I’ve refereed in the baking heat before - and paused the game for drinks breaks as appropriate. Ive ref-Ed in hail before, but yesterday the hail was biblical.

About 5 mins after kick of it started to hail, and hail heavily. Normally hail is a one minute wonder, but I reckon this hail storm, with accompanying wind , lasted what seemed like 10 mins, it was painful (and cold)

We were on a pitch a good 5 to 10 minute trudge from the changing rooms and any shelter, so we would have had nowhere to go had I stopped the game, like a few players were requesting, so we played on, but it got me wondering if we should stop for hail?

Anyone had any experiences of hail, and what they did, that they’d be happy to share.
Around 2007. It (the hail) was horizontal. The wind chill factor was about -5. It lasted for 20 minutes in the first half and 15 in the second half. I stayed in the shower for about 20 minutes to defrost my freshly shaven head. Coldest I've ever been on a field.
I called one game off for hail once, I couldn't see or feel a thing, and players looked like they were going to literally freeze. Next week, snowstorm. Went ahead as normal. It really depends on the circumstances.
I recall Clattenburg (?) at Stoke (?) taking players in for a hail storm. If I have the person and place wrong then so be it but it definitely happend at PL
I recall Clattenburg (?) at Stoke (?) taking players in for a hail storm. If I have the person and place wrong then so be it but it definitely happend at PL
Had I had the opportunity, I would have done this, but we were a long way from the changing rooms, no nearby trees to shelter under, game had just started. It was an U18 inter school game, (friendly) with one side having traveled a significant distance, arrived a little late so had already kicked off late. I was pretty sure if we went back to the changing rooms, we wouldn’t come back.

Eventually the hail stopped, we even kicked off the second half in weak sunshine. 15 mins from the end I could see dark clouds once again looming, and felt the first spits of rain. I thought that it was still too early to call it, but if we could make it to 5 mins from time and it started raining I’d blow the final whistle. 8 mins from time, the hail began again, score was 4-0, I asked a few players around me from both sides, who unanimously said “blow” so I ended the game to everyone’s relief.

Two days later and I’m still scarred by the experience!
This was abandoned at half time last night! There was biblical rain, not often I’m pleased if my match is postponed I was last night!


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I was on the line at Barton Rovers last night. Be the worst conditions I've officiated in
Downpour just before KO leaving the pitch 'marginal'. Surface water but ball was rolling. The wind was arguably a bigger factor though. Almost at the point whereby Goal Kicks would come back to the keeper. As it was, no clear cut reason to postpone or abandon. Both sides wanted to play, that is until one of them was losing, after which the losing team just focused on moaning and excuses and chucking the towel in
It goes to show however, that a game that wouldn't have taken place a month ago, could be played, was safe to do so and didn't quite get to the point at which it was farcical. Sport is not meant to be perfect and rub of the green should be a factor, as should conditions which act as a 'leveller'
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I was on the line at Barton Rovers last night. Be the worst conditions I've officiated in
Downpour just before KO leaving the pitch 'marginal'. Surface water but ball was rolling. The wind was arguably a bigger factor though. Almost at the point whereby Goal Kicks would come back to the keeper. As it was, no clear cut reason to postpone or abandon. Both sides wanted to play, that is until one of them was losing, after which the losing team just focused on moaning and excuses and chucking the towel in
It goes to show however, that a game that wouldn't have taken place a month ago, could be played, was safe to do so and didn't quite get to the point at which it was farcical. Sport is not meant to be perfect and rub of the green should be a factor, as should conditions which act as a 'leveller'
You’re either on my line on Monday or the other assistant from yesterday is on my line on Monday! 🤔
Had hail last week but it only lasted 2 or 3 mins so carried on. Then sunshine 🌞. Then rain. Then sunshine 🌞.
Funny weather at the moment....
I was on the line at Barton Rovers last night. Be the worst conditions I've officiated in
Downpour just before KO leaving the pitch 'marginal'. Surface water but ball was rolling. The wind was arguably a bigger factor though. Almost at the point whereby Goal Kicks would come back to the keeper. As it was, no clear cut reason to postpone or abandon. Both sides wanted to play, that is until one of them was losing, after which the losing team just focused on moaning and excuses and chucking the towel in
It goes to show however, that a game that wouldn't have taken place a month ago, could be played, was safe to do so and didn't quite get to the point at which it was farcical. Sport is not meant to be perfect and rub of the green should be a factor, as should conditions which act as a 'leveller'
Must be me as Kov (the other AR... he doesn't have a game)
Don't cramp my style! Assuming the rain holds off
My surname Sangster is no secret on the Forum anyway
Must be me as Kov (the other AR... he doesn't have a game)
Don't cramp my style! Assuming the rain holds off
My surname Sangster is no secret on the Forum anyway
Yes it’s me (Jamie). There were reasons I signed up anonymous initially, but no need now to be so anonymous. (Unless I say something I need the FA not to see by accident) 😂

I hope I have a good game! I may not dare to show my face on this forum again if I don’t! 🙈
Yes it’s me (Jamie). There were reasons I signed up anonymous initially, but no need now to be so anonymous. (Unless I say something I need the FA not to see by accident) 😂

I hope I have a good game! I may not dare to show my face on this forum again if I don’t! 🙈
@Russell Jones thinks he's the best AR in Hertfordshire cos he's a Level 'whatever', but he's actually a distant second
You're in safe hands!