Arsenal yellow lorry red lorry

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santa sangria

RefChat Addict
...looks like the 5th official has changed the ref's mind on the penalty sanction.

I think the ref has done great - it's his first time out in the Champs' lg as the commentators keep mentioning but there goes match control.

Soft pen... but there is no attempt to play the ball... I think here, if you give the pen then the red has to follow... presumably this is what the 5th official has whispered in the mic.

What say you?
A&H International
Utterly crap officiating.

No need whatsoever for the AAR to get involved there......more fool the referee for listening to them.....no one is expecting the red card, no one is asking for it.....the caution is perfectly credible, the referee was in a good position.....instead he has lost all credibility by doing something that wasn't warranted and no one expected.

Amatuerish at best, incompetent at worst.
Definitely an OGSO IMO so RC was correct, not sure where that little yellow popped from. I didn't think the Arsenal one was a pen either at match speed but a few around me weren't as sure...
2 threads on same subject. I can't merge them so I'm closing this one
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