First County Cup Game

Kieran W

Well-Known Member
Hi all,

I have just been appointed to my first county cup game, I'm a little nervous and not sure what to expect. Is there anything I need to do differently, other than arriving earlier, since I have only refereed youth games it will be my first OA. Also, do I need to go suited and booted?

EDIT: May I also add it's 1st round tie and to my understanding, club ARs

Any help appreciated, Thanks.
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A&H International
Submit it for assessment
Confirm with home, away and league that you have received it, ask them for colours and any specific info, confirm ground address and that you understand KO will be at XXXX Hrs thus you would like the team sheets XX mins before at XX time.

Eat something carbohydrate the night before - baked spud / pasta / rice, but nothing that makes you feel bloated or stuffed.
Have something to eat (cereal or toast, something light) before 2Hrs before KO.
Drink a liter of water in the 2Hrs before KO.

Don't have much in the hour before KO - maybe 1/4 a lucozade sport or water

Shirt and tie,
Get there 1Hr before KO (so plan how youre getting there, potential delays / bus / train / car / walking distance and if its going to be dry or wet)

When arrive ask for the home manager and introduce yourself

Get to your changing room and shut the door.

Get yourself ready as you would normally, kit, pens, watches, stretch off.

30 before KO, head out for your pitch inspection / nets, flags and do a warm up (lap of the pitch, shuttle runs etc) for 10 - 15,

15 before KO get team sheets and match balls, write players names in your book, check balls over.

10 to KO go to one team, have a quick word with them if you;re comfortable with that (or not as the case maybe) ask them to come close and check their kit, ear rings, rings, necklaces, bands removed. If you are not happy with uit, tell them now or regret it later!!!

Captain - see you in the middle in 6 please

5 to go, head to other team and do the same - captain, see you in the middle in 2 please.

Walk to the middle, couple of short blasts and shout "captains please"

Get them in, I'm Kieran, this is a cup game, if a drawer we got to spot kicks. I;d appreciate it if you get to your players before I have to please. I am sue you will both do your best today, as will I. Good luck, now Away team - heads or tails?

Toss as normal and away we go.

It is all about appearing confident - without being ****y you make statements, not ask questions, or open ended sentences.

"good morning coach, I am your referee. I'll be in the changing room for when you team sheet is ready thank you.. Gent's, lets go please."

be clear and confident.

If its a corner, you point to a corner, keep your arm out for a corner and loud and clear "corner ball" and take up position. if they want to turn and argue, you're already in position, and the attackers will already be lining up. Bit late to argue then.

They will call for everything so tell them. Ref did you see that? Yes i did, and i played on. Lets leave it there player. If they then continue - card.

And good luck to yourself. let us know how it goes.
Thankyou @HRW for the very helpful and comprehensive reply.

One more question: Can I still submit a game for assessment despite not being on the promotion scheme or anything like that?
Thankyou @HRW for the very helpful and comprehensive reply.

One more question: Can I still submit a game for assessment despite not being on the promotion scheme or anything like that?

If not on prom then don't as you'll confuse the poor admins.

Suit for 1st round? What if there are no changing rooms HRW?

It's county cup, why wouldn't there be? It will be clubs first teams after all, and County takes precedent over league....
@HRW I know of several Sunday League clubs in Herts that are entered into the County Cup and don't have changing rooms!
Okay, thanks. I'm only a max 10 minutes away from the ground I think it's at which has changing rooms; but I'm going to wait until the secretary confirms the venue.
Thankyou @HRW for the very helpful and comprehensive reply.

One more question: Can I still submit a game for assessment despite not being on the promotion scheme or anything like that?
not being on the promotion ladder some county fa may not want to asses you not saying they wont but they will try and get the promotion guys done first, contact your rdo and have a chat with him
Yet another question: I am being handed teamsheets before the game, if I issue a card do I still need to ask their name or do I just trust their number?

Thanks Ross, I wrote the players' names & numbers from team sheet beforehand then checked their names that they gave me against that.

On the whole the game went pretty well. I gave 2 cautions, one to goalkeeper and one to player, in the same incident. After a penalty was scored the player went to collect the ball out the net so the keeper holds on to it on the ground. The player attempts to grab the ball off him, not malicious or anything, then the keeper reacts by squaring up to the player.

Got some constructive criticism from players and the coach saying I need to be more verbal and communicate with players more, which I totally accept and it's something I do need to improve. But how? I find it hard once I've made a decision to find the right words to explain it when questioned, any ideas?
@Kieran W, just try to use more preventative communication, I find that help. For example, before giving a free kick for a push in the back, tell the players 'Hands Down fellas', then as soon as you give it, they already know what it's for! Helps you sell it without having to hang around and explain yourself after the incident!
Why hang about explaining? Asking for dissent. If there are hands in the back, blow for it, shout out why it has been given (maybe a physical gesture to show what you saw in a pushing gesture) get to next position.
Most of the time I do just that. But on this game I just had a team that questioned more or less everything from the start, whether it was the correct call or not.
There is questioning and there is questioning. after a couple of questioning incidents (when you start to think they are just taking the peas), tell the player to pack it in while running into next position, if it carries on at a stoppage call the player over and formally tell him to pack it in, involve the captain and tell him they are getting on your nerves and need to pack it in or else, caution.

My usual wording to captains goes along the lines of "I am getting lots of verbals (use verbals hand gesture - naked puppet hand movement) from your players, I am asking for your help in calming them down before my patience goes and I start throwing cautions at your team like confetti. I would appreciate your assistance in making sure that dossnt happen".

Job done. Players clearly warned.
First OA game and they stick you on the County Cup must have been a bit daunting so you must be commended for that. Well done!!!
My usual wording to captains goes along the lines of "I am getting lots of verbals (use verbals hand gesture - naked puppet hand movement) from your players, I am asking for your help in calming them down before my patience goes and I start throwing cautions at your team like confetti. I would appreciate your assistance in making sure that dossnt happen".

Love this!!
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