Newcastle v Southampton

A&H International
Apparently, dogso is not possible in own half despite two on one, miles clear of any other defensive player when wiping out **** off a shovel with an accompanying recognised goalscorer alongside! AT choked on the red whilst Perez did the businezs
Like some on here, Peter Walton's efforts to blindly defend the MITM are laughable
That just cannot be red. Well inside his own half and the ball is heading towards the corner flag. Yes, it would have been a 2 on 1, but that doesn't mean the pass would have found the second attacker. Nowhere near obvious enough to be obvious.
the Newcastle player is 12 yards in his own half at the time of contact, with the ball 10 yards ahead of him and with it moving at speed further away !

To be a Clear Obvious Goal scoring opportunity one of the main requirements is, control of the ball.......

to dismiss for clear and obvious then say, there was a chance they could have got control of the ball, is a complete contradiction in terms...
Has he denied a (Blatantly) CLEAR and (Blatently) OBVIOUS GSO?????..... 1000000% yes.......Its what football certainly expects..... RED.....Bye bye
how can it be clear if he is nowhere near the object needed to score the goal, or even have the chance too....

bear in mind, the ball is travelling even further away at the screen shot!!

Football does not expect someone to be sent off for fouling someone 70 yards from goal who has a ball 20 yards in front of him (it was still rolling away)

Want him off? Yes
Expected him off ? No
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I think this has to be a red, I think football expects a red as well. I think he takes control of the ball at which point there's a 2 v keeper opportunity. As clear and obvious as they come
Thinking, by definition, is not enough to be, obvious.

"I think its ok to cross the road" has doubt to it
"Its obviously ok to cross the road", has no doubt

two very different things
He knocked it past the player. He would have easily got hold of the ball if he wasn't taken out. 2 v keeper just inside the opposition half... Defence no where near.... Has to be a red.
At the level of games I work, that's a yellow because the distance to the ball would disqualify the opportunity from being obvious.

At the Premier League level? I have a hard time convincing myself that isn't a DOGSO. What's an obvious goal scoring opportunity can and will depend on the level of the game.
At the level of games I work, that's a yellow because the distance to the ball would disqualify the opportunity from being obvious.

At the Premier League level? I have a hard time convincing myself that isn't a DOGSO. What's an obvious goal scoring opportunity can and will depend on the level of the game.

Am sure its not how you meant to say it but that is entirely incorrect. Are you saying CR7 or Messi having the ball makes a difference to it being, Carlton Palmer? (insert more relevant notorious duff player where apt)
You are judging the offence. Not the ability.
By your merits am not sending off for DOGSO cos the ball is landing at someone who aint scored for 3 seasons?

Not part of the equation.

I half get the level thought process but in reverse, at grass roots, who is to say the attacker is not Commonwealth games sprint ability?

Its not for us to judge that.
That just cannot be red. Well inside his own half and the ball is heading towards the corner flag. Yes, it would have been a 2 on 1, but that doesn't mean the pass would have found the second attacker. Nowhere near obvious enough to be obvious.
Ironic that you were the first to respond